Furniture and Equipment ………………… $15,000
Library Books …………………………………… $106,000
Electronic Media ……………………………… $188,690
Audio-Visual …………………………………….. $52,750
Periodicals ……………………………………….. $22,800
Computer Maintenance ……………………… $12,304
Programs …………………………………………. $125,000
Office and Library Supplies …………..……. $40,450
Telephone/Telecommunications ………… $20,140
Postage ……………………………………………. $15,512
Community Outreach ………………….……. $59,015
Travel ………………………………………,,……. $1,400
Conference ………………………………….……. $1,100
Professional Fees ……………………….……… $148,897
Membership Dues ……………………….……. $1,200
Equipment Maintenance …………………….. $43,090
Annual Vote ……………………………………… $2,750
Utilities ………………………………………..….. $125,000
Repairs (Building and Grounds) ……..…… $25,000
Building Improvements ……………….…….. $500
Property Insurance …………………….……… $32,160
Rental of Equipment ………………….………. $8,450
Circulation System ……………………………. $31,870
Maintenance (Building and Grounds) …… $76,000
Contracts with Other Libraries ………..….. $42,107
Salaries: Professional ………………….………. $1,070,091
Salaries: Support Staff ………………….…….. $768,002
Retirement ………………………………………… $185,677
Social Security ……………………………………. $138,107
Insurance and Medicare ………………….….. $480,599
Total Budget ………………………………………. $3,839,661
Revenues …………………………………….……… $265,002
Total Budget Funded by Taxation ……..…. $3,574,659